Top 5 Severe Weather Tips for RV Owners

Top 5 Severe Weather Tips for RV Owners

We had a couple near-misses with deadly tornadoes recently while living in our RV, leading us to wonder “What are the best severe weather safety tips for those of us living or vacationing in a home on wheels?” Ultimately, even the weather experts can’t prepare us for every scenario. A lot of the responsibility to be prepared still falls on us.

We’ve made a lot of decisions lately that involved careful weather considerations. While driving west to get away from tornadoes headed for in the midwest, the wind was gusting upward of 45 mph and nearly ripped our canoe off the top of our Jeep. RVs are extra susceptible to being tossed around and tipped over in strong wind, so sometimes the seemingly impossible choice is “Do I risk driving the RV in high winds to get away from bad weather, or stay put in an area which is soon to be hit with potentially deadly storms and risk losing everything I own?”

Photo courtesy of Arkansas News

Photo courtesy of Arkansas News

In Oklahoma City, we didn’t have time to move and made a last-minute decision to jump in the car with our dogs and park under the roof of a nearby gas station before a forecasted hailstorm hit. There were no tornadoes nearby and we knew that there wasn’t enough time to move our trailer out of the elements, but preventing potentially costly damage to our vehicle and protecting ourselves from broken glass and lightning seemed worth it.

It was an inconvenience driving a few miles and hanging out in the car with our pets in the middle of the night, watching radar maps on our iPad while listening to the local weather on the radio, but it was better than having our vehicle severely damaged too and knowing we could have prevented it. Had there been a tornado watch or warning, or extremely high winds, we of course would have taken cover in a sturdy storm shelter or building instead and forgotten all about trying to save our car!

The best way to protect your family during severe weather is by remaining calm, following basic safety guidelines, and gathering the most up-to-date weather data available in your particular situation.

We had coincidentally just toured the National Weather Center, home of the NOAA Storm Prediction Center and Norman National Weather Service Forecast Office, that day in Norman, Oklahoma (a fun, free, and informative tour if you’re ever in Oklahoma City).
National Weather Center Norman Oklahoma

We were privileged to be able to spend a few minutes picking the brain of Greg Carbin, an expert storm prediction meteorologist at the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center. What follows is a collection of tips for RV dwellers and travelers during severe weather, according to Greg and other experts:

1.) The greatest chance for staying safe during any severe weather event lies in taking personal responsibility and using common sense.

“Taking personal responsibility” means your safety depends primarily on your own actions. Don’t wait around for anyone else to tell you when or where to go when severe weather hits. Not reacting in a timely manner to a weather threat not only puts your life at risk, but also the lives of any others who may help you get to safety at the last minute. It’s extremely dangerous and selfish to stay behind with your possessions, thinking you can protect them. Many law enforcement and rescue personnel die or are seriously injured trying to help those who waited too long to leave a dangerous situation.

Before severe weather hits, have an emergency plan in place so you can act quickly if things turn nasty. Take a moment when you arrive at a new location to find the nearest storm shelter. Ask where an evacuation spot is when you first arrive, especially if you’re in an area prone to tornadoes, hurricanes, or floods. If you aren’t in a staffed campground or they don’t know, you can contact the local police department to find out.

An interesting tidbit from the experts that we didn’t know: there are fewer public storm shelters than there used to be, mostly due to liability concerns. Many people have instead turned to having a private shelter installed at their home. This is not helpful for people like us who are staying in a public place, but many communities will still have a storm shelter, especially in areas with many mobile homes or slab-built houses, and of course schools have to provide a shelter for kids and teachers.

Having a severe weather plan can come in handy in the event of other emergencies too – natural and man-made.

2.) Seek shelter long before things get really bad. Nothing you own is worth saving more than yourself and your family.

If there isn’t a specified shelter, the next best place to seek refuge is in a building made of poured concrete – not a prefabricated building – and try to put as many walls between you and the exterior of the building as you can. If a less substantial or large-span building like a grocery store, gas station, or Wal-Mart is your only choice, it’s been reported that seeking shelter in a walk-in metal cooler can offer more protection. Greg Carbin noted that parking garages are typically good examples of well-built structures. Get down low, away from windows, and cover your head with a blanket or your hands.

If you’re in a vehicle and there are no sturdy buildings nearby to take shelter in, the commonly-held belief about hiding under an overpass is not recommended – it’s actually more dangerous in most cases than being in a car or a ditch, due to flying debris being funneled under the road by the wind. You’re usually safer staying in your vehicle with your seatbelt on and getting your head below the level of the windows, covering it with a blanket or your hands.

If you see an area that is quite a bit lower than the roadway, like a ditch or culvert, you can also lie down flat in that area with your hands covering your head as a last resort. This is not commonly recommended though, as flooding is more likely in those areas and you’re putting yourself at risk of drowning if the storm is accompanied by rain.

Lastly, it’s a great idea to have a bug-out bag for times you need to leave and head for shelter. While you may not realistically be able to stock 72 hours’ worth of food and water in a bag in your RV at all times (we currently don’t have room!), at the very least it should contain important medications or health items, valuables and other irreplaceable items, financial documents and credit cards, insurance policy paperwork, passports, birth and marriage certificates, and other emergency essentials in one place so it can be grabbed as you go to a safe location. If you have time, you can include your laptops or a backup hard drive of your computers, phone chargers, and any other electronics. We always take a book to read too, so we aren’t draining our batteries while we wait out the storm!

3.) Yes, it’s a pretty show, but don’t underestimate lightning.

The majority of lightning victims were on their way to a safe place, but waited too long. As soon as there is any indication of an approaching storm, it’s important to move indoors as quickly as possible. You’re much safer in any kind of building or vehicle than you are outside; just try not to touch any exposed metal if you take refuge in a vehicle.

Summer afternoons are the most dangerous times for lightning strikes. Rain does not signify the beginning of a dangerous storm; thunder does. Anytime you hear thunder you’re at risk of a lightning strike. In the west especially, thunderstorms often do not include rain. If you’re outdoors preparing for a storm, don’t take your time waiting for it to get closer. Put your awning in, put away anything that can blow away, and get indoors as soon as you can.

Many wildfires are started by lightning strikes, so have an evacuation plan in place if a thunderstorm is approaching and you’re in an area susceptible to wildfires. If there’s a high chance of fire in the area you’re parked, you might even proactively move away before the storm arrives and move back after you’re sure there weren’t any lightning strikes resulting in fires.

4.) Just because there’s not a tornado watch doesn’t mean you aren’t in danger from straight-line winds.



PHOTO CREDIT: Dean’s RV, Tulsa, OK

Straight-line winds can exceed 125 mph and are not associated with a tornado, but are responsible for most of the damage during thunderstorms. A “downburst” or “microburst” occurs in an area of rapidly descending air beneath a storm, causing these destructive winds.

Any winds in excess of 30 mph, but especially above 50 mph, can cause damage to parked RVs. This is especially true when awnings and slides are out, if the RV has a high center of gravity like a fifth wheel or tall trailer, or when parked with the long side of your rig facing the wind. Parking with the front or back of the RV facing the wind is optimal (preferably with the back facing the wind for motorized RVs, so any large debris doesn’t go through your windshield) so there is less surface area for the wind to hit and less chance of tipping over.

Another danger lies while driving: straight-line wind gusts, dust storms that reduce visibility, airborne and road debris, and other motorists – especially 18-wheelers, who are just as prone to tipping over. Check weather forecasts for the wind speeds throughout the day and plan your driving accordingly.

5.) Flash floods do live up to their name.

Listen carefully to news in your area about flood warnings and be prepared to evacuate at a moment’s notice – these floods do happen in a flash! You don’t usually have time to move your RV, so just focus on getting yourself to higher ground and staying safe.

Do not attempt to cross any water higher than your ankles. As little as 6” of water flowing quickly can knock an adult down, not to mention it could be contaminated or contain hazards like sharp objects, things that might trap your feet, poisonous snakes, and more.

If you’re driving in a car or RV and come across a flooded road, head the other way. Fewer than 2 feet of water can sweep a car away or stall it out – with you stuck inside.

During and after a flood, your water supply may also become contaminated. Be sure to check for boil alerts (or just boil it anyway for safety) before drinking and cooking with it, or giving it to your pets to drink.

Weather Tools to Stay Prepared

Your best course of action is being as proactive as possible in preparing for a weather event and staying continually informed of conditions – never assume a tornado siren will alert you, that someone is going to come to your door to tell you where to go and when, or that you’re not in danger because you’re in an area not historically prone to storms. suggests “Don’t depend on just one source of info, such as a weather app. Have multiple ways of receiving weather information, especially when weather turns potentially dangerous. Own a NOAA Weather Radio. Own a few weather apps that notify you when a warning has been issued. Be aware of great weather websites and individuals to follow via social media. Tuning into your local television station for live weather updates is critical. They understand the area, the roads, the places, and the terrain.”

Wow, so there are lots of tools out there to get weather information! Where do you start?*


Websites like can provide a high-level overviews of current conditions and warnings, but that’s not always enough for those of us who live predominantly outdoors. Visit and search for your location to see more in-depth maps, detailed local forecasts, and information about weather conditions that especially affect RV owners, such as upcoming freezing temperatures, wind speeds by hour, and wildfire warnings.

NOAA website


Weather Underground uses nearby weather stations to show you conditions around you plotted on a map, including wind direction and speed.


Weather Radios

Weather radios are designed to audibly alert you to local weather risks, but they require that you input the NOAA county code for wherever you are. If you move often, like we tend to do, it can be difficult and time consuming to figure out what county you’re in, or you may forget to program it after changing locations.

A weather radio is an essential item to have on hand, but as a backup in case you forget to program it, we’d recommend a location-detecting app too if you have a smartphone or iPad with cellular data. Click here for more information on buying weather radios, from the NOAA.

Image via Kevin Hubbard via Twitter

Image via Kevin Hubbard via Twitter

Weather Apps

NOAA has mobile version of their website with a lot of the same functionality as their website. Bookmark it to your phone’s home screen and it’s just like having an app!

The Weather Underground app offers the same in-depth map displays as the website, based on local weather station data, and the ability to filter by different conditions you want to monitor.

iMap Weather Radio app (for Apple and Android) issues critical alerts via voice and push notification regarding life-threatening weather events. The app goes a couple steps beyond a weather radio and uses cell towers to map your precise location in proximity to the severe weather polygons drawn by the National Weather service, without having to manually add your location when you change locations. Most other apps and radios still use county- or zipcode-based alerts, meaning you’d get an alert even if your location in the county is not within the threatened area.


Even if you don’t use Twitter regularly, it’s worth setting up an account to follow a list of users who Tweet weather information. Twitter is the fastest way besides the local news to get up-to-the-second updates from both weather experts and common bystanders during weather events.

A few accounts you might follow include:

@NWS[your city’s name]

That’s it for our high-level overview of severe weather tips for RVers. Huge thanks to the National Weather Center for allowing us to tour their facility and meet with a meteorologist one-on-one. If you have any thoughts, questions or additional recommendations please feel free to leave them in the comments section below!


* Disclaimer: We have not used and tested all these apps, and thus we cannot endorse them. We’re passing along third-party recommendations to you, but do intend to try them all out ourselves moving forward!



  1. May 14, 2014 / 10:17 am

    Great information in this post. Thanks for going into so much detail. The severe storms had us racing north faster than we would have liked but at least we avoided the danger.

    • Kristin
      May 14, 2014 / 3:29 pm

      Thanks, RVAGOGO! With a topic so near and dear to all our hearts, and in the interest of helping our RVing friends stay out of harm’s way, we felt it was an important to write this now. We just headed west to escape the storms as well, but were hit with high winds and freezing temperatures in the southwest instead. Hope you’re having better luck than we are! 😉

  2. May 14, 2014 / 4:04 pm

    Great article, full of high quality information and practical tips. Glad y’all stayed safe during the weather, we just missed it ourselves. Gonna follow a few of those folks on Twitter, a splendid idea. Thanks for taking the time to write this. It’s been bookmarked.

    • Kristin
      May 14, 2014 / 4:16 pm

      Thanks, Eric! We’re so glad you found it helpful. Stay safe yourselves and we hope to cross paths this year! 🙂

  3. May 14, 2014 / 4:09 pm

    Great post! I tow (and live full-time in) a very small vintage trailer, and have my list of “I do not like to tow in” conditions. However, a few days ago, I found myself having to tow in several of them anyway – a higher-than-I-like wind, then rain, then snowflakes, then thick dense fog, all while ascending a steep grade, all within about 20 miles. And all I wanted to do was be out of it! I made it safely, using every safety tip I knew, but it’s not something I want to repeat any time soon. Your post covers a lot of situations I hope to never find myself in, but the information you provided is awesome. I especially appreciate the emphasis on personal responsibility and common sense – if any part of my adventure had gone sideways, it would have been no one’s fault but my own. Thank you!

    • Kristin
      May 14, 2014 / 4:21 pm

      Thanks, Lois! I didn’t address this in the article, but living in a vintage trailer versus a newer RV makes it *even more* stressful because you know your home is truly irreplaceable. It’s not always possible to avoid driving in bad weather, especially like you said when conditions are constantly changing as you drive. Sometimes things do happen unexpectedly that are completely out of our control and all we can do is react to them, but for the most part if we pool our experience and common sense we can make it out safely! Glad to have you as a follower. Would love to see your trailer! 🙂

      • May 14, 2014 / 4:42 pm

        To me, nothing physical is worth giving up my life for! Stuff is replaceable 😀

        Pics of my little trailer (Li’l Homey, short for “Home Sweet Home”) are at The album also includes the before and during pics so scroll down to see the more current look. Maybe we’ll meet up in person somewhere on the road – I’d love that! Glad to have found your site!

        • Kristin
          May 14, 2014 / 5:04 pm

          Beautiful trailer and hope to meet you too! Our current travel location is always here on our website, so if we’re ever nearby just let us know. 🙂

          Our trailer’s definitely not worth giving up our lives for, but if there’s anything we can do to save it we will! We spent over a year completely gutting and rebuilding it, so we’d be pretty heartbroken if it was destroyed and we could have prevented it.

  4. May 14, 2014 / 5:08 pm

    Nice work Kristen! I’m sure that took a lot of effort and time on your (and Jason’s) behalf, but its a great compilation of info to have in one place for all of us to return to and to pass on to others in the future. Thank you! Hope all is well 🙂

    • Kristin
      May 14, 2014 / 5:18 pm

      Thanks, Greg – glad you enjoyed it and hope you’re both doing well too! We’re staying very busy with work right now, but it’s a good problem to have as you know. The unfortunate side effect is that we have about 6 months worth of blogs to catch up on writing, but I decided it’s easier to start from most recent and work my way backward. 😉

  5. May 14, 2014 / 6:46 pm

    Thanks so much for this great article! We’ll be starting our big cross country trip in about a month, and I’ve been wondering how we’re gonna stay informed about bad weather. Now I know!

    • Kristin
      May 14, 2014 / 8:10 pm

      Thanks, Nancy! So glad you found it useful and best wishes on your trip 😀

  6. May 14, 2014 / 7:00 pm

    Great article – lots of good information. Thanks for taking the time to research and write this!

    • Kristin
      May 14, 2014 / 8:12 pm

      Thanks, Deb! It’s so kind of you to take the time to read it and show your appreciation. 🙂

  7. May 14, 2014 / 7:36 pm

    One more idea … we have a “go” bag – it holds all our important documents, including passports, account information, insurance policies, birth/marriage certificates. Anything that you would need if everything else was destroyed and you had to file claims, etc. as well has access to your accounts. We have a backup hard drive of our computers, expensive camera, laptop and cash in the bag as well, it is readily available and each night we put anything back that we took out that day. If a storm comes up it is always ready to “go”.

  8. Kristin
    May 14, 2014 / 8:14 pm

    Great idea, Donna! We always pack up a few things in a bag as we run out and have a folder of important documents that’s easy to grab, but I forgot to add it to the article. Just added another paragraph about it now! 🙂

  9. Tina Nelson
    May 14, 2014 / 8:40 pm

    Great read! I can imagine how interesting and cool it was to tour the National Weather Center and talk to a highly experienced meteorologist!

    If I am ever in that type of situation where I have to seek shelter due to a tornado (which is very rare in WV) or any dangerously high wind I will NOT hide under an overpass if there is more suitable shelter nearby. Running to an overpass would of been the first thing I would of thought of! 🙂

    You covered a lot of stuff that ANYONE can use, even if they are just driving to work and back! Have fun in New Mexico and watch out for the aliens. 😉

    • Kristin
      May 15, 2014 / 1:03 am

      Thanks, Tina! I have to admit, I did kind of want his job after talking to him – until I realized what a huge responsibility it is! A lot of peoples’ lives depend on meteorologists. I’d think it’s a lot like being a surgeon in terms of stress.

      I always believed the underpass thing too. I’m glad to have been corrected before I tried it! 😉

      We’re having a great time in New Mexico and hopefully if we meet aliens they’ll be the friendly kind like E.T. 😀

  10. Gary
    May 14, 2014 / 9:04 pm

    Great community service from the front lines. I am hoping because there was no further mention regarding the hail storm you were trying to protect your vehicle from that the Airstream suffered no impact either. Many of us don’t stop to consider all the points you brought out, so great job in sharing. We don’t tend to have such severe weather in Alaska, but earthquakes……..

    Stay safe!

    • Kristin
      May 15, 2014 / 1:01 am

      Thanks, Gary! Thankfully there was no damage to truck or trailer. We did have about 1″ hail for a period of 5-10 minutes that completely covered the ground though. We were lucky it wasn’t any larger than that. We were apparently smart in putting a hurricane-resistant, shatterproof skylight on our rig!

      Earthquakes do scare me a bit more than tornadoes in that there’s really nothing you can do to predict or get away from them! I hope not to experience that in an RV either 🙂

  11. Apr 21, 2015 / 1:33 am

    Increase the saturation on the first photo and I’d think it was a scene from the Walking Dead. 😀

    • Kristin
      Apr 21, 2015 / 4:11 pm

      Haha – we were about as scared at that moment as if it had been a zombie apocalypse. There was a tornado coming right toward us! Zombies might have actually been preferable at that point. 😉

      • Apr 21, 2015 / 8:43 pm

        Ah, storm! I wonder how it feels inside the RV when there’s a big storm out there. Don’t you get scared? I bet there’s a lot of noise inside the RV that you’d typically not hear if you were inside a house (I do, though; my roof is made of tin 🙂 ).

  12. Apr 25, 2015 / 6:04 pm

    Thanks for sharing this. We plan to hit the road essentially full-timing it after the first of the year (2016). We’re doing a lot of prep work now and this article is much appreciated!

  13. Jul 16, 2015 / 9:12 am

    I really appreciate your advice about how to safely tow an RV. I recently got and RV and while I’m really excited, I want to be prepared for any unexpected issues that it may cause. I especially appreciate your tips regarding driving in the rain. I can see how it would be really important to be cautious in that situation.

  14. Amber
    Aug 1, 2015 / 7:59 pm

    Where is the safest place in a 5th wheel during an earthquake

  15. Aug 10, 2018 / 1:28 am

    I appreciate it when you said that during storms, the person should always be prepared for flash floods and that they have to be prepared to move at a moment’s notice. My sister would never want to leave the RV behind because of a flood no matter what I tell her because she has been dreaming of living one for a long time now. I guess the only thing I can do is ask her to stay away from lower areas when there’s a storm brewing.

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